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Vertical Array

The functional system

The conventional designs make use of circuits based on traps to interrupt the flow of current in the antenna upper portions on all bands, except the lowest frequency.
In the lower frequency bands, instead, the cumulative load of the relative to the higher frequencies traps limits the amount of conductor used for the resonance, with the result that the radiation resistance values are progressively lower, also on those bands in which the conductor provided has a length greater than a quarter wavelength.
The radiation resistance is that portion of the total antenna impedance at the feed point that represents the useful part, ie the power actually radiated from the antenna rather than lost to heat in the traps or into the charging coils or ground connections.
The secret of efficiency of a vertical antenna is to maintain the strength of radiation at the highest value possible in relation to the losses in the ground or in the conductor.
The reactance differential system of Vertical Array antennas allows to resonate the entire 11 meters vertical antenna radiator on all ranges.
This implies a higher radiation resistance and consequently a higher efficiency than is possible with conventional vertical multiple traps of the same length and operating on the same ground plane.
There are also many other advantages resulting from greater resistance to radiation obtained thanks to longer radiating elements, between which are of significant importance greater bandwidth within values of R.O.S. much more content and a greater irradiation of the signal at the lowest wave worn, or those useful for the DX connections.
Try to compare the bandwidth of a central rate and yield at low angles with DX signals between vertical Differential ballast and other vertical multiband trappolate: you can see for themselves that there is really no comparison!
The secret is always in the type of exclusive project, which offers greater resistance to radiation through the use of LC reactance of generator circuits, each consisting of conductors wrapped in air in coil form, of diameter such as to be self-supporting, and arranged at suitable points antenna with ceramic capacitors from 15,000 Volts, for the greater Q as possible and the least possible losses in the conductor and the dielectric.
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